My Little Klepto

Sparky and Vivian

My dog has a habit.  Yes, he does.  He likes to pilfer small objects, most notoriously, pens.  I just caught him scoping out a fuzzy topped green pen of Vivian’s.  I saw it when it caught his eye.  He stood under the desk contemplating how to get to it.  I moved her chair away from the desk.  I have found three pens in his kennel this week!  He loves pens.  There’s just something about them.  But, his pilfering is not limited to pens.  Generally, whatever he finds on the floor will end up in his kennel.  If you set something down and are looking for it, chances are you will find it in his kennel.  When we were sheetrocking the laundry room addition, he came in and out the kitchen taking sheetrock screws. 

I had a friend of mine come by and wire up some outlets and also to work on the laundry room addition.  He happens to be deaf.  I was not in the kitchen when he was working, I was elsewhere and I forgot to warn him of Sparky’s habit.  Anyway, he set his screwdriver down on the floor and he could not hear the dogs.  Sparky sneaked up behind him and stole the screwdriver.  He buried it in his kennel. I found out later that my friend looked all over for it, inside the house, outside the house, in his truck…he finally found it in the kennel (I forgot to ask him if he purposely looked there, or just happened to glance in the kennel and saw it).  I laughed so hard.  Oh, that dog!

I have found barbie shoes, sheetrock bits, many pens, lids to hair spray bottles, plastic bits, socks, you name it!  Whatever he takes a fancy in that day, or whatever he finds on the floor, ends up in his kennel.  What am I going to do with that dog?

Ok, I couldn’t help but coming back and amending post to include some hilarious videos of other klepto dogs.  It seems that Sparky is not alone in the world, nor are other dog owners.  The first one is a poodle who goes to great lengths to pilfer items, this definitely is Sparky.  The thing is, I usualy don’t catch him and I wonder how he got such and such from on top the desk or counter.  I always fussed at my daughter for leaving things on the floor and it turned out that he actually retrieved them himself.

Hahaha…and this dog is serious about his stealing…


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