Pictures From the “What Were They Thinking?” Archive

I finally found my realtor walkthrough pictures of our house.  It is interesting to compare before and after pictures of some of the rooms.  I will post them all soon, but here are my absolute favorites….the kitchen before:

I don’t know which is worse, the red plastic handles on the cabinets mounted higher than you can reach, or the burgundy damask fabric that was stapled…YES, stapled to the wall, or the fire engine red laminate countertops.  The swags were also stapled to the window.  If you look close, you can see that they did not even bother to take down the old window hardware before stapling up the swags.  And, of course!!!!  I almost forgot!  The fingerpainted artwork on the cabinet doors!  At least it was acryllic paint and washed off!   The kitchen was also carpeted from wall to wall.  I can’t explain how gross that was.  We pulled it up to find a black and white checkerboard floor.  Which was a lot better than the carpet.

I accumulated two garbage bags of fabric that I took down from the windows, walls, and every other imaginable place.  Look at the front door..yes people, there is a front door under there somewhere!

front door

These doors have: 1) a set of plantation blinds, 2) a lacy curtain, and 3) a set of swags.  Can we add anything else?

I do not have any “after” pics, but here are some “in process” pics that show you what things look like now.  The kitchen:


Connect Meeting Christmas


***Update to post: I decided to clean my kitchen and take a better picture.

Kitchen side view

hall dogtrot

This is not the best pic… it was taken last year when I was trying to clean some things out and get rid of clutter.  But, as you can see, the 3 layers are gone from the window.  I replaced it all with some very simple semi sheer ivory shades.  Isn’t this hall cool?  We were living in 700 square feet before we bought this place.  I could fit my old place in this hall!  I cannot wait until I get all of the woodwork stripped and those awful repro art deco lights outta there!

Well, until next time. 


5 thoughts on “Pictures From the “What Were They Thinking?” Archive

  1. Wow, that last picture really shows how high of ceilings you have. You could probably fit two of my basements in that kind of height!

    I always love seeing before and after shots. Especially when the before ones are as “lovely” as yours 🙂

  2. LOve the blog and feel your pain! We had two tons of magenta carpet to deal with…and carpeted bathrooms? Who does that? Look forward to more posts!

    • HA! I know Jen. I took carpet out of the kitchen….hmm…I forgot to mention that in the post!!!! I am currently redoing the house right next door and they have carpet in the bathroom too!!!!!!! You are right! Who does that??????

  3. In the sixties and seventies, everyone carpeted their bathrooms! Maybe it started in the 50s. But it was once wildly popular! Along with “rugs” on the toilet seat lids!

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