Landscaping Mania!

This is probably one of my most favorite projects to date. Landscaping! Not that I know what I am doing or have a green thumb, but I have dreamed about pretty flowers in the front yard forever.  Over the past two years, I have looked into full sun plants and different varieties that grow in Louisiana. Last year for mothers day, I think, my husband bought me a book called Louisiana Gardener’s Guide. This book has been my go to when laying out the new flower beds. It shows many plants that thrive in our hot weather, as well as when to plant them and how to care for them.

Another great resource was a video entitled “How to design a garden.”   Some of the questions it asks is: What is your purpose? What kind of plants do you need to buy? Focal point in your yard? Everything should be visually balanced.  This video made me make a list.  Far too often I see yards that have all of these plants haphazardly placed and it just looks weird.  I didn’t want my yard to look that way. We pulled up, to the consternation of our neighbors, some of the different shrubs that were scattered across the yard in different places.  I really wanted the front yard to make sense and to be visually pleasing.

The azaleas above we kept. They are on the left of the entry stairway. they are beautiful and did not have much ivy growing in their bed. The bed to the right of the stairwell had poison ivy ropes bigger than my thumb!!! We were always battling “the jungle” over there and decided to just level it and start over. The only thing kept were the two dwarf palmettos. I was looking at the pictures of the house when it was built and I am almost positive I can make out a grainy dwarf palmetto where these two sit. So, it is possible that they are original to the house.

Here is another video about laying out plants and flowers:

Here is a video about: Landscape design basics. This is a simpler design than the previous video.

Another great tip was that amateur gardeners (such as myself), tend to go and buy a bunch of plants and expect them to get along. Sometimes too many plants are bought and not given enough room to grow. These were all things I took in to consideration when sketching my plan.

So, after figuring out what plants would thrive, the next thing I did was visit a few local places to see what they had. I am sad to report that the big box home improvement stores had very little to choose from and that most varieties of plants were not very hearty in our weather.  So, I skipped those and went to Fads and Frames, a local hobby/craft/nursery here in town.  WOW!  Not only did they have an amazing selection of plants, most of them were sourced from area nurseries in Forest Hill and the staff was very knowledgable.  One awesome man saved me from buying three plant looking shrub things that can grow up to ten feet tall!!!  So glad he pointed that out!  I wanted something tall in the back of the bed, but not THAT tall! haha.


My sketched plan!!!!

I loaded up my car a couple times and brought my plants home. According to the advice above, experts say when starting out, pick three colors and bring them all the way down and around the full length of the bed so your eye will follow it and it will be pleasing to look at. I thought this was great advice!  I chose red, white and purple.  The left side of my bed gets partial sun and allll the way to the left, in the summer, it gets mostly shade.  The bed that curves around the house and is on the right side of the house gets full sun. At least 6-8 hours a day.  So, I knew that I needed to pick different flowers for either side. But, I still wanted to keep to my red, purple and white. I poked around a couple days and went back and forth, took pictures, sketched it out and then found enough plants within my color scheme that would work and that were not too fussy or hard to take care of.  This is how it went:



Forgive my photography and my finger in the frame above. I had the sun in my eye and did not know, until right now, that I managed to get my finger. Oops! The first thing we did was lay out black thick trash bags, contractor grade, over the grass that we wanted to kill so we would not have it coming up or taking over our flower beds. We left it like this while the brick work was going on and due to it getting moved accidentally and the high winds, we had a couple spots that got uncovered and the grass never fully died. That, combined with it not really getting very hot and staying cool, it did not kill the grass as well as we hoped. Going back and reading, it is better when you do it and the area has full sun and gets hot. I already bought the flowers, so I really did not want to wait.  I also used round up “everything” killer to spray along the bricks in the back of the bed and also in the front of the bed.  We have a very aggressive variety of St. Augustine grass and I wanted to make sure that it was knocked out in the back and front of the bed. It also helped when we laid the brick border that the grass was already dead.  Our grass has been known to take over stepping stones and bricks. We have had to dig them out.  I will most likely spray round up around the border once or twice a year, just to keep it at bay and out of the flower bed.

On to plan B which was laying kraft paper over the half dead grass and shoveling the new topsoil on top.  You can also use newspaper or cardboard.  Using paper, cardboard or kraft paper is more natural than using landscape fabric. I was reading that landscape fabric is petroleum based and does not really “return to the soil”.  I really wanted whatever we laid out to disintegrate that, and the worms like cardboard and paper. When they eat it, they basically compost it and keep your flower beds rich with microorganisms that flowers like.  So, kraft paper it was. I happened to have a roll left over from another project and interestingly enough, it was exactly how much I needed.

The topsoil I had delivered and pictures of laying the kraft paper.





I used an old hose to map out where I wanted to set up the brick border for the flower bed. We have piles of bricks in the back yard. After the brick mason used all the bricks he needed, that left the rest up for grabs to be used for the flowerbeds. Most of the bricks are from the chimneys that were taken out, plus there are street pavers and old “Rapides” bricks. We did not even take a small dent out the huge pile. Geez! I guess that means I have plenty of bricks for backyard landscaping too!!!


After doing all that. I laid out on the porch with my tongue hanging out telling myself that I was getting too old for manual labor! 🙂 It was then that I noticed that the porch light is hung crooked…..sheesh…another thing to add to the “fix it” list.


We wheeled around the topsoil and mixed in Black Kow manure compost. My kids were absolutely fascinated that we were putting “cow poop” in our flower bed. It was really fun trying to explain. It was even more fun listening to the silly songs they made up about “cow poop”. hehe







Goodness, there is that finger again!  Time to bring the flowers around and to lay them all out according to the plan I sketched to see if everything is going to work out.  The kids helped us with misc. chores as you can see. They had a lot of fun and were excited about it. (Now, even two weeks later, they ask how “their” plants are doing and help me water them. I am happy that they take pride and ownership in this project).





I quickly learned that saying “put the caladiums over here, put the Dianella over there” meant absolutely nothing to anyone but me. So, instead, I just handed them the plant tag and said “go find this plant and put it there”. That worked!



Here it is all laid out. I was pleased to see that I bought enough plants and that everything worked out nicely. I left a lot of space in between the flowers to give them room to grow and spread out this summer. A couple varieties, like the shasta daisies, like to have lots of room.




In the picture above, you can see a very old yellow iris bed. We had an old pecan cut down last year right in front of the bed. It was getting brittle and dropping limbs. Now that it is gone, this bed gets a lot of sun. In the eight years we have been here, I have never seen these irises grow like that!!!!  I was reading that irises need to be culled every 2-3 years and redistributed. I have never done that. I guess, now that I know, I will do that this fall.  I also learned that irises will not bloom unless you cull them and they have enough room to grow and get enough water. They are very compacted, several layers deep. Sounds like a good fall project!!!!

We did have one lonely iris bloom on the edge of the bed. He must be new and got enough water.



After we got them all planted into the ground, we put black mulch on top to keep the weeds out and to make it look purty. 🙂 (There is that dang finger again….sigh…my photography skills are seriously lacking).












Ewwww yuck! We got the job done though!





Dirt pile before, dirt pile after! That is a LOT of dirt…ouch my back!!!!


Anyone need some starter pots for square foot gardening or misc projects? Shoot me an email! Reduce, reuse, recycle!!

Some things you don’t see: the tiny dwarf palmetto we planted all the way to the right of the bed so that we would have a third palmetto. We found it close to one of the other established palmettos and moved him. Rule of thirds. Also, we planted about 3 dozen gladioli bulbs along the back edge of the far right corner by the steps. I have not had very good luck with bulbs. They should start coming up soon as the ground gets warmer. According to the package, April is the time you plant them in Louisiana!

So, there you have it. Amateur gardening. Not sure what will happen, what will die, what will thrive, etc., but I will keep you posted this summer.  If anything bites the dust, I will make a note of it and try something different.  Right after I planted it all and mulched it, I watered the beds thoroughly. The next day we had lots and lots of rain, so that made them even happier. I have tried to go out and water them every other day (they have been in the ground for two weeks now), to make sure they get good and established. There are couple of them that do not like to stay drenched, so I made myself a binder with all of the tags showing the watering schedule.  I am hoping this helps keep them alive a little longer. I am always amazed that there are some plants that do not like too much water. That is almost like bears not liking honey. Its just not right. Haha.

A list of what I planted starting from left to right:

Caladiums (red. white and purple-part shade)

Laguna (purple- part sun)

Coleus varieties (red, purple – part to full sun depending on the kind)

Dianella or wax lily (white spiky grass thing in the back – full sun)

Geraniums (red – full sun)

Shasta daisies (white – full sun)

Senorita rosalita (purple – full sun)

Salvia (purple – part to full sun)

Thanks for stopping by.  I plan on taking pictures throughout the summer to see what happens.


Snow in Louisiana


This is crazy stuff! I am kind of shocked because I really did not believe the predictions of snow.







Here is my neighbors’ house:



We probably won’t see snow like this again for many years to come.

****update: 1/28/14. ^^^Apparently I was wrong. It wasn’t years but only a couple days before we got it again! Lol.






Front house work

Last weekend, we decided to tackle the jungle bush in the front yard. Unfortunately, the azaleas could not be saved. After digging deep, we found a huge wisteria vine and poison ivy ropes bigger around than my thumb. We got tired of battling the ivy and always having to cut it back, so we pulled everything up! That did not go over very well with our neighbors since they know the azaleas have been here 50+ years.

We decided that the only way to get rid of all of the wisteria and poison ivy, we had to take it all up. Here is the base of the wisteria vine!

Here is the after pic. We are going to wait until next spring to plant the flowerbeds. This is what it will look like until then.


Yesterday, I decided to paint the top of the porch rail black. I like how it came out. I procrastinated for so long because I could not envision it. It is not easy to paint over black if you change your mind. But, I am very pleased with the outcome.





Porch Planters and Kitchen Cabinets

So, the upper kitchen cabinets are planned. I sketched what I wanted and measured the wall and Steven took that and measured again and calculated the amount of materials needed. Hopefully Thursday we will make our (weekly) trip to the home improvement store. To see my inspiration pics scroll down two posts for all the kitchen talk.

I found this book recently. I have had it for a while. I thought it was time to get it out and dust it off.

I want to take all of this:



And make something like this:




I want to put them:



Instead of plain wood, I have pulled some different color stains and semi transparent wood paint from other projects. I am trying to use what I have instead of it going in to a landfill somewhere. My idea is to stain or paint each piece of wood a different color.

***UPDATE: To see how they turned out, click here.

Here are my inspiration pics:

I hope to start them this weekend. If I do, I will post some updated pics on how it turned out. Wish me luck!






Last boards going up

Our last fence boards went up today! We started earlier this year, Steven and I, tearing down our old fence and cleaning up our yard. Lowes delivered our new materials and we got to work on putting the new fence up. We decided to redesign the fence lines to give us more room in our yard. Between Steven, me, Alex, Vivian Lillian, Paw Paw and Nana, we dug post holes, leveled, hauled debris, cut down limbs, hauled fence boards, held fence boards, drilled, etc and etc. We got everything up except the long piece in between ours and our neighbors’ house. In order to run that long stretch, it would need almost a bush hog to clear out all the tree limbs, bushes, vines, poison ivy ropes as big around as my thumb and all kinds of other junk.

So, Last week I was whining to a friend about having so many odd jobs around our property that need to get done and how I could not find someone to do the work. I was so happy when he mentioned a handyman company in Alexandria that did odds and end things. I called them right up and here we are three days later with the rest of the fence up!!! It looks awesome! They cleared the jungle and made a path down the fence line. We moved our fence 1 foot over because we own both properties. I am so happy with their work and gave them a whole list of things to do next week. If anyone in the Alexandria area is interested, I will share their name with you.

In other news, I had two carpenters out this week to give me bids on porch repair and fascia board replacement. The roofer gave us a bid and he is waiting on our choice of carpenter so he can get started on the roof. Both of those jobs are going to be hand in hand. While the roof is going on, the plumber is going to run a vent stack for our new bathroom so he won’t have to cut through shingles later on. Still waiting to hear from our electrician.

I am excited, but nervous. It’s gonna be a lot of noise and interruption, but this is what I have waited five years for! I guess I can handle the sounds of progress over the next couple months. Celebrate with me?


Dreaming of Spring

I guess I am starting to weary of the cold temperatures and am yearning for some warmer weather ’cause lately I find myself poring over landscaping books dreaming up a plan for my southern garden.  Actually, it is a soon-to-be southern garden.  Right now it is just dirt.  My house came with some nice established camelias, azaleas and a 100 year old magnolia, but I can’t seem to find where any previous owner kept a flower garden.  I do have an iris bed on one side of the house.  But, they really need to be culled.  The ground is so thick with bulbs that they choke each other out and don’t bloom.  The front of my house is really dreary.  I think some nice spots of color would give it a facelift.  The only problem is, I read these wonderful magazines and get hooked on a certain kind of flower, then I realize that they only grow in the north.  Phooey.  Since we live in the middle of Louisiana state, we endure hot and humid temperatures that last well into September.  In fact, our winter ends sometime at the end of February/March.  I have to try real hard to leave the flip flops in the closet until at least March.  So, I am sitting here on the internet researching plants and flowers that will thrive in hot and humid weather.  I notice that many tropicals come up in my zone search.  But, I want some FLOWERS.  If anyone has a southern garden and has any advice regarding what type of plants to choose, please feel free to leave a comment.  Otherwise, here are my dream pictures.


I was looking at this picture admiring the yard.  Then, I realized that it is the WHITE HOUSE rose garden…sheesh.  I have expensive taste.  Roses are beautiful, but too high maintenance for me.


Botanical garden in Jerusalem.


Paulsen-Carlin garden.


And now for some tropicals:


I really like this one.  It would really give my front yard a jolt!



Even though I am planning a beautiful front yard, I am sure that I will not get to it this year.  We still have to repair and paint the porch and porch rails.  If I planted this year, we would trample all over them trying to get the porch work done.  But, I guess it doesn’t hurt to research and plan now.  Sigh….  Happy planting!
